What are UV-Coated Keypads?

Aug 19, 2015

questionmark134When researching the different types of keypads, you may come across some that are labeled as “UV-coated.” These keypads are unique in the sense that they are coated with special ultraviolet (UV) resin layer printed on the surface. So, what are the benefits of choosing UV-coated keypads over their non-UV counterpart?

Adding a UV resin coating enhances the appearance of keypads by creating a naturally glossy and reflective surface. In addition to being used on keypads, UV coatings are also added to business cards for this very reason. The glossy texture looks cleaner and more professional, which is one of the many reasons why so many business owners choose them. But there are several other benefits associated with UV-coated keypads that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

UV coatings are comprised of special compounds that react to UV light. Once the compounds are applied to the surface, they are exposed to UV light, at which point the compounds harden and eventually solidify. When this occurs, it creates solid layer of the keypad (or any other object to which the coating is being applied), protecting it from common forms of damage.

Keypads often fade due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. Whether it’s an ATM, kiosk, or any other outdoor machine,  the sun’s rays will may cause the keypads to fade over time. This isn’t something that happens overnight, but years of exposure to the sun may cause this reaction. Opting for UV-coated keypads, however, will give you peace of mind knowing that your keypads are protected from fading. The glossy UV surface will literally reflect sunlight, bouncing it away from the keys.

Some people assume that UV-coated keypads are unable to accept custom textures like brush line, sandblasting and spin lines, but this isn’t the case. Because the UV coating is applied to the first surface of a foil substrate, other texture coatings can also be applied. The decorative coating is applied to the second surface of the foil, underneath the UV coating.

To recap, UV-coated keypads are designed with a special coating that’s activated with ultraviolet light. Once activated, it creates a barrier of protection on the keypad, protecting it from fading as well as other common forms of damage.

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